Tooth extractions are a common dental procedure performed when a tooth cannot be saved or is causing significant problems for your oral health. At our office, our priority is to preserve your natural teeth whenever feasible. However, when extraction becomes necessary, we ensure the process is as smooth and pain-free as possible.

There are several reasons why Dr. James Wells may recommend a tooth extraction. These include:

  • Severe infection that compromises the tooth and surrounding bone, making it unsalvageable.
  • Extensive decay that renders the tooth beyond repair, where even advanced restoration techniques are not viable.
  • Impaction, commonly seen with wisdom teeth, where the tooth is blocked from erupting properly, potentially causing pain and misalignment of other teeth.
  • Orthodontic preparation where teeth are removed to create space for adjustments that will improve the overall alignment and function of your mouth.

Our experienced dentist will combine proven treatment techniques with state-of-the-art technologies to perform your extraction as quickly and comfortably as possible. Our goal is to minimize your discomfort and make the procedures as noninvasive as possible so that you can begin to heal and recover.

After your extraction, it is crucial to follow proper post-operative care to prevent complications such as infections and to promote healing. Some of the care tips include:

  • Avoiding vigorous rinsing or spitting for the first 24 hours to ensure the formation of a stable clot.
  • Sticking to soft foods and gradually reintroducing harder foods as the extraction site heals.
  • Continuing to brush and floss your teeth, taking care to avoid the extraction site during the initial recovery period.

We will also discuss tooth replacement options, if necessary, to restore the function and aesthetics of your smile. These options might include dental implants, bridges or dentures, depending on your specific needs and the condition of your oral health.

For more information about tooth extractions in Murray, Kentucky, and to schedule a consultation with our dentist, please contact our team at 270-753-1572.

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