Dr. James Wells uses only the highest quality, most current and technologically advanced materials and equipment when providing your care. He uses the best lab service available, and each member of our team is highly trained to provide you with service that meets the highest standards of excellence. Our practice guarantees work performed in our office with the following warranty:

Dental Fillings
In the event of failure, we will repair or replace fillings for up to two years following their initial placement.

Dental Crowns and Bridges
Crowns and bridges are guaranteed against fracture and will be repaired or replaced for up to five years following their initial placement.

*Please note: For this warranty to remain in effect you must maintain a regular cleaning, exam and X-ray schedule. Each patient has different needs, and the recommended treatment schedule may vary by patient. Recommendations for home care of your teeth must be followed, and accounts must be kept in good standing.

If you have any questions about this warranty or to schedule an appointment with our dentist in Murray, Kentucky, please reach out to us at 270-753-1572.

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